Exploitation & Slavery
Identity Systems Limited
Anti-Exploitation and Anti-Slavery Policy
1. Introduction
Identity Systems Limited (IDSL) is committed to preventing any form of modern slavery in its operations and supply chains. This policy outlines our commitment to ensuring that slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking have no place in our business activities.
2. Policy Statement
IDSL strictly prohibits slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking within its operations and supply chains. We adhere to all relevant laws and regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
3. Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all employees, contractors, and business partners associated with IDSL to adhere to this anti-slavery policy. All ofour employees can and will provide leadership and support to ensure compliance.
4. Supply Chain Due Diligence
Where possible IDSL conducts due diligence on its supply chains to assess and address the risks of slavery and human trafficking. We expect our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment and take appropriate measures within their own operations.
5. Awareness
All our employees are aware of the position IDSL takes in respect of exploitation and slavery, and are expected to both adhere to, and promote, our position internally and externally to our business.
6. Reporting Mechanism
IDSL encourages the discussion and reporting of any concerns or suspicions related to slavery, forced labor, or human trafficking. Individuals can report such concerns without fear of retaliation.
7. Investigations and Corrective Actions
Prompt and thorough investigations will be conducted into any allegations of slavery or human trafficking. If violations are identified, appropriate corrective actions, including termination of contracts or employment, will be taken.
8. Continuous Improvement
IDSL is committed to continuous improvement in its anti-slavery efforts. This position will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and to incorporate best practices in the prevention of modern slavery.
9. Communication
IDSL's stance on exploitation and slavery is communicated to all employees, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders. It is also made publicly available on our website.
10. Approval and Implementation
This anti-slavery policy has been approved by all of our employees and directors and is effective immediately. All employees and business partners are expected to comply with this policy.
Identity Systems Limited